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(|Help me out!|)

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  • (|Help me out!|)

    Just wondering, i'm pretty sure i'm going to go thf now. what are the best equips for lvls 1-60? Money is no option besides that damn peacock charm.

    current: 27thf nin/war subs lvled to 37+
    nomads +1
    leaping boots
    Emp pin.
    2x drones
    spike necklase
    Hume RSE gloves

    now, correct me if i'm wrong but the new THF/RNG leg equips have +2 dex +2 rng acc?
    and garrison hose is +1str +1dex?

  • #2
    I'd recommend going thf/war, and buying a Viking Shield.
    get the best +dex rings you can get at your level, at any level, Balance->Deft->Grace
    Yes, those leg equips are tits, I wish I had those back in the day >< I was stuck using +atk subligar You get your thf AF pants for lv56, they're great. All your other AF is worthless compared to other things you can buy.
    Go with a Long boomerang for ranged, cheap and +2 agi. Until Lightning Bow +1 at 55 for +3 dex
    I'd use Merc Capt's stuff, until Brigadine (+1?). Then Keep the brigadine all the way up to 59 for Black Cotehardie (Flora?), Unless Scorp harness is in your budget.
    Merc Belt until 48 for Lifebelt.
    at 55 I changed to 1 drone earring/Spike earring (+5 atk)
    For dagger... right now you probbaly are using a Fed Knife. I think I went something like this. Fed Knife->Mtl. Kukri+1->AF->Bone Knife+1->Corsairs->Dst Kukri+1


    • #3
      thanks^^ and yes, scorp harness is out of price range >.>
      *grumbles at 5.3mil worth of red armor that doesnt even cover up entire body*

